Tuesday, October 6, 2015

LTFRB Questions UBER Driver Who Allegedly Almost Hit His Passenger With a Steel Pipe: UBER Accreditation at Risk?

Remember that UBER Driver who almost hit his passenger using a steel pipe (or tube?)?

Yesterday, a hearing was held regarding the complaint of the complainant. The complaint was that the Uber driver (I salute all Uber and Grab Car drivers who give 6 star service to their passengers! But not this one) who allegedly almost hit the complainant with a steel pipe because the passenger has placed her location pin incorrectly. This event COULD HAVE added ignition to the driver's almost or already hot-head (maybe caused by traffic, or the likes. It's up to you on what to believe on).

by Luchi Cruz-Valdes

It was pointed out that the Uber driver accepts passengers even if he doesn't have the necessary Provisional Authority (PA) to operate yet. The conclusion MIGHT result to the cancellation or rejection of the PA application of the said Uber Driver.

by Luchi Cruz-Valdes

LTFRB now questions Uber; how come the driver was able to operate even without the said Provisional Authority? This may put the accreditation of Uber at risk if not explained well by their side.

by Luchi Cruz-Valdes

Let's hope for the best.

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