Wednesday, October 14, 2015

GrabCar And UBER Advantages: Why Should You Ride An UBER Or A GrabCar?

Disclaimer: We have nothing against taxis. We just compared these two new modes of transportation with taxis because it's the closest PUV to be compared with the two. We never suggested on this post that you take GrabCar or UBER instead of a Taxi. We are just showing the advantages of taking these two new modes of transportation.

Some may be wondering on what UBER and GrabCar really is? Are they both taxi companies? Expensive rent-a-car service?

UBER Logo from

Well, here are some points about UBER and GrabCar.

1.) UBER and GrabCar are also both Public Utility vehicles which serves just like a taxi but not basically a taxi. The two are different from a taxi by means of its looks, cleanliness, and its being safer than a taxi. Why? Let me point out this item:
    • UBER and GrabCar are vehicles which are 2012 model vehicles and beyond; Taxis still have old models being used on the road which sometimes (not all of the time)  are not being well-maintained.
    • UBER and GrabCar are private vehicles. Just take this event as an example: imagine yourself getting off a Toyota Vios 2015 model in front of the party place you're gonna roll in! Isn't that cool? Both also has their premium services which offers SUV and premium cars like Montero, Fortuner, Camry, and etc. How terrific is that? Getting off a Toyota Fortuner in front of th event you're attending.
    • Safer in means of seeing the name of the driver, his picture, his vehicle brand/model, and his plate number which you could share via text or social media the details of your ride. The one who you shared your ride with could track your ride by looking on the map provided by the link which shows your ride's exact location. Unlike taxis, your loved ones could only track you by means of texting you, calling you, or tracking you by your phone's built-in tracking feature or using an application. We never said that riding a Taxi isn't safe at all but we are just pointing that it is more safe riding an UBER/GrabCar because of its feature of tracking the ride of the rider through online/gps.
GrabCar Logo from

2.) Tired of hailing a cab late at night, outside your vicinity, or getting rejected because of your out-of-the-way or traffic-prone destination? Worry not! UBER and GrabCar are app-based mode of transportation which can only be hailed via booking a ride on their application on mobile phones. You can search for their applications on Google Play store or App store: Uber and Grab Taxi. See header for links of the download sites. After setting your pick-up and destination on the applicaiton, a driver will be assigned to you as soon as a driver is available near you and accepts your request. After a driver is assigned to you, you can see the driver's and vehicle's info on your screen. This is cool because both UBER and GrabCar will pick you up based on the pick-up location you put on your request.

3.) Is the thought "This could be a lot more expensive than a taxi!" running on your mind? Well, let us answer that!

Photo from

Let us elaborate first the means of payment on UBER:
    • UBER payments are made through Credit Card ONLY as of today. Meaning, your ride will be cashless! Worry no more of payment change that are not given by the drivers! Also, worry not if you do not have money to hail a cab! UBER is your savior! well that's off topic so let me discuss how UBER charge their customers. UBER has a flat rate of 40php (for UberX). Then for every kilometer your ride would be, you will be charged 5.70php per kilometer. Then for the whole duration of the trip regardless on whether your vehicle is in stationary or not, you will be charged 2php per minute. Based on our experience, UBER rides are sometimes more expensive than Taxi rides by 10 to 30php on daylight due to traffic but on night time with less traffic, it may cost same or may be lower than a taxi ride! Sweet, isn't it? But there is sometimes a catch, in the event that your location has no drivers nearby, there is this thing called "Surge" on which this multiplier will multiply your payment depending on the Surge multiplier displayed on your area. So better check your Fare Estimate on their application first before booking!
Photo from

Now let me elaborate GrabCar's means of charging their passengers:
    • GrabCar, on the other hand, offers a fixed fare! Meaning, no other factors like time will affect your fare. Just as easy as that! Pay the fixed fare the Grab app showed your before requesting your booking, then VOILAAA!! GrabCar is more expensive than Uber depending on the time. Their fare depends on the time you book your ride. For example, a 9km ride at 1pm will cost you 245php, a 9km ride at 2pm will cost you 283php, a 9km ride at 1am will cost you 144php. So depending on the time of the day and the distance, the Grab app will give you the computed fare you have to pay by Cash to the driver. So far, Grab Cars only accepts cash as their mode of payment. So better ready those papers and coins!
So far, have we helped you understand the advantages of the two new modes of transpo? Well, we believe we did! It's still up to you on whether to ride a taxi or use these app-based PUVs which are products of innovation.

We think that we have pointed the important points you all must know so far. We will just post another part of this post after brainstorming if we could think of other advantages of these two new transpo modes.

You have some advantages to share? Email or tweet us at @uberandgrabnews.

Thanks everyone and God bless Philippines!

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