Tuesday, November 17, 2015

GrabCar Promo Code: "GLOBELONGBREAK"

Good day Grabbers!

Having stressful days on the road due to the APEC season?
Well, here we are again for another promo code!

Use this promo code to avail 50php off your total fare! Hurry while it's still available!
This promo code is good for four uses from Nov 17 until Nov 20.

So what are you waiting for? Grab away!

God bless the Philippines

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

LTFRB: "We Do Not Accredit Vehicles For TNVS"

Good day TNVS enthusiasts!

Isn't it a beautiful day? But why is it still people insist on believing news without a reliable source? It's called "tsismis" if the information is without a reliable source from the authorities.

So, for the Nth time, we verified with LTFRB the acceptance of 3-cylinder autos as of November 11, 2015 and here is their reply:

"Please coordinate with your TNCs on their vehicles requirements & accreditation"

So in short, LTFRB is not the one who rejects the vehicle type being accepted by the TNCs (Transportation Network Company) like GrabCar and Uber.

Please take note that the TNCs are the one who set requirements regarding their vehicle requirements.

Kindly contact the following to confirm if your car has met the requirements of TNCs:
- peers.mnl@grabcar.com
- partners@uber.com

Don't fall for tsismis, it's deadly.

God bless the Philippines!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

GrabCar Promo Code: "WINNER"

Good day Grabbers!

Here we are again for another promo code!

Use this promo code to avail 50php off your total fare! Hurry while it's still available!

So what are you waiting for? Grab away!

God bless the Philippines

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Lost Uber / GrabCar Unit: Mitsubishi Mirage G4 GLX Sedan

Greetings TNVS enthusiasts!

Disclaimer: This might be categorized as "unreturned car" instead of lost. But for now, we are categorizing it as "lost"

We are here again, but this time this is regarding a lost Mitsubishi Mirage G4 GLX with a plate number ASA 7809.

On a Facebook page, a concernced citizen posted regarding a TNVS unit which was not yet returned to its owner by the driver since Tuesday last week (Oct. 27, 2015). The owner has been trying to reach the driver since then but the driver doesn't respond to any calls or text.

The owner reported this to the authorities and they also need our help.

If you spot this auto, you may contact 0916-3165271 (Police Officer Number) .

You may refer to the screenshot below of the photos posted by the concerned citizen regarding the lost/unreturned Mirage.

May God bless the owner of this car and enlighten the mind of the driver to surrender the car immediately because the owner might be experiencing trauma and depression due to overthinking.

We will give you updates when we hear of them.

God bless the Philippines!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Uber Launched Their New Mode Of Payment: Cash Payment

Remember our post last time regarding cash payments in Uber?

Today, Uber launched its experiment on having an additional mode of payment: the cash basis. Now, commuters in the Metro may now use this mode of payment on their Uber rides.

Uber said that the testing for the experimentation of this new mode of payment done in India, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, and Vietnam have been successful. This introduction of the new mode of payment will help them give insights on how to develop for the better.

The cash payment option will only be available to some existing users only. Eventually,this will be available for all riders over the next few weeks.

Let us walk-through you on how to change your mode of payment to cash basis!
One option is to check your email if you have received a mail if the cash payment is now available for you as an option. Another is by changing your default Payment method.

Here are the steps to change your payment method:

1.) Open your Uber app

2.) Go to the upper left portion of the screen and click on the human-link icon

 3.) Click on the Payment option

4.) Now you can see the options for your payment. For us, the "Cash" payment is not yet available because we are not one of the chosen ones. How unlucky :(

For those guys who doesn't have the cash payment option yet, don't fret! It will be available for us soon! I also checked my account but it didn't offer me the new mode of payment. Sad, but acceptable. This is just still an experiment phase for them, so let's give them time to fully implement this innovation.

So what are you waiting for? Check your Uber accounts and start paying by cash!

Uber on and Grab away!

God bless the Philippines!

Monday, November 2, 2015

GrabCar and Uber Incentives : "WALANG FOREVER"

Good day GrabCar and Uber enthusiasts!

We just wanna share a friendly reminder. A halloween message maybe? Because some will be terrified about this.

Note that we just want to share this message because we are all worried on how other Partners and Peers think of Uber and GrabCar. They were having this positive thinking that Uber and GrabCar will sustain their monthly ammortization and the incentives will stay as they are. That's a big NO! Incentives are only promotional and temporary. So before you push in going in this business, think 5 times first and study how the business runs. Do some analysis on how your income would be when there are no promotional incentives and the driver ratio is greater than the riders.

You might have heard this from your GrabCar peer and Uber Partner orientation/seminar, but we want to tell you this all over and over again,


We also posted some citations below in case you might have not heard it on your orientation/seminar because you were so excited and blinded by how BIG the incentives are.

Straight from the GrabCar page:

Screenshot from http://www.grabtaxi.com/manila-philippines/grabcar-peer-faqs/

Straight from the Uber page:

Screenshot from Uber: http://driveonuber.com/faqs/

Screenshot from Uber: http://driveonuber.com/faqs/

So lads and gents, you should think twice before entering a venture you have no knowledge of. Don't be fooled by the large amount to be given at first.

Yes, you might say that both are legal and they do not fool us. But if you push GrabCar and Uber on putting back the old incentives because it goes lower and lower, well think again. They might pull out that incentive and as the saying goes, "NGANGANA TAYONG LAHAT". Let's just be thankful that there are still incentives, because they aren't forever :)

Again, God bless the Philippines!

God speed!

HOT NEWS: LTFRB Responded To Our Question: "Please Elaborate The Word 'DISPLAY'" Regarding On Putting The LTFRB Hotline On Our Units

Good news to all TNVS enthusiasts!

LTFRB gracefully responded to our universal question about putting the LTFRB hotline on our units.

As you can see the tweet below, it's what they said. Yes! LTFRB itself!

Tweet by yours truly, @UBERandGrabPH
So you guys don't have to worry about your personal cars being vandalized by the LTFRB hotlines!
Aside from ref magnets, maybe some of you could use tarpaulins (LOL, just kidding) or maybe a laminated post.

So what are you waiting for? Grab away and Uber on!

God bless the Philippines.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

HOT NEWS : Memorandum Circular No. 2015-025: LTFRB Amends TNVS Memorandum Circular No. 2005-006 and 2012-008 Regarding Required Markings for PUVs - Explained By UAGP Team!

[UPDATE] We received the response from LTFRB regarding on their elaboration of the "PAINT OR DISPLAY" tag line on the Memorandum 2015-025.
See the full post here: http://uberandgrabnews.blogspot.com/2015/11/hot-news-ltfrb-responded-to-our.html

Good day TNVS enthusiasts! It's been a while since we heard from the LTFRB!

Photo from http://www.mb.com.ph/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/taxi.jpg

Last time, we posted about the LTFRB paintings in the body of our majestic sedans as a hoax.
Now, it seems that there is a change of heart by the LTFRB. Remember that we posted this picture?

Disclaimer: Just to clear things out, the photo below was posted a month ago by a concerned citizen. At the moment, LTFRB changed their decision and amended the memorandum which decides to push the required display of LTFRB hotline. On the other hand, kindly try to read our own interpretation of the memorandum below. Thanks! God speed.

Article way back: http://uberandgrabnews.blogspot.com/2015/10/ltfrbs-hotline-number-needed-to-be-in.html

Well, they still didn't respond on the tweet even if we asked for an update. So, moving on, here is a clear copy of the TNVS memorandum in text! Yes! Text!

Here you go:



The Board issued Memorandum Circular No. 2005-006 and 2012-008 requiring markings for all public utility vehicles as a means of preventing, or at the least minimizing, the abuses of public utility drivers.

In order to strengthen the Board's mandate for sale, convenient, comfortable public land transportation and its drive against erring drivers and encourage the riding  public to report abuses of transport  operators/drivers, the Board, in the exercise of its power to promulgate rules and regulations concerning public land based transport, hereby amends this:

1. All public utility vehicles (PUVs) units shall bear the markings:
LTFRB 24/7 Hotline :1342
Text/Viber Hotlines: 0917-550-1342

a. For buses,... Well let's cut the chase! We are here for TNCs and TNVS!

b. For sedan vehicles, vans, and similar units, the markings shall have the following sizes:
- Height : 3 inches
- Width : 1 inch
- Thickness : 1/2 inch
- Color : Green
- Location : Rear windshield (upper portion and at both sides)

c. For jeepneys...

2. For Transportation Network Vehicles Service (TNVS) and in consonance with item No. 10 of Memorandum Circular No. 2015-018, the trade dress and LTFRB 24/7 Hotline for the unit shall be displayed during a pre-arranged ride as prescribed in item No. 1 (b) above.

3. All PUVs except TNVS...

4. ALL outside markings must be clearly readable at a distance of at least five (5)  meters.

5. ALL PUVs including TNVS  (during a pre-arranged ride) shall be required to paint or display the following information INSIDE the vehicle where passengers can easily see them:
a. Vehicle Plate Number
b. LTFRB 24/7 hotline
c. Operator's Number
d. Notice on the grant of 20% fare discount to senior citizen's, persons with disabilities, and student.

All operators, whose units are authorized by the Central Office and the National Capital Region Office, are directed to comply with new required markings within sixty (60) days and within ninety (90) days for operators authorized by the Regional Offices from the effectivity hereof. Penalty in the amount of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) shall be imposed per single offense for non-compliance herewith.

All other issuances or parts thereof inconsistent herewith and hereby amended or suspended accordingly.

The Circular shalle take effect immediately following its publication in a newspaper of general circulation and the filing of (3) copies hereof be filled with the UP Law Center pursuant to Presidential Memorandum Circular No. 11, dated 09 October 1992.

So Ordered,
Winston Ginez.


So let's see, how do we put it first. Hmmm, mind if you read first item 5? It says there that
"shall be required to paint or display".
What did you notice? "PAINT OR DISPLAY" means, you have the option to either paint or display the LTFRB hotline! Displaying by means of sticker, or tarpaulin maybe? It's up to you as long as you DISPLAY the hotline.

Does that heal your broken souls? Not yet? Okay, let's move on to another item. Mind reading item no. 2? It also says there the word "DISPLAYED". In this item, we have to confirm yet via LTFRB if it needs to be painted, but based on our understanding, it doesn't seem to show there that it is needed to be PAINTED, right guys? So cheer up! Have some beer! Relax.

So that's it guys, we will just give you updates on our communication with LTFRB with the paint job and stuff.

God speed!

God bless the Philippines!

Friday, October 30, 2015

GrabCar Promo Code: "SOLENNFORGC" and "FREAKY"

Good day Grabbers,

Another day for another promo code!

Here is the Promo code "FREAKY" which cuts of 50php from your total fare!

Disclaimer: We tried to use this promo code but it's not working for us. Some have tried it and it's working. You might wanna check first if it's available for you. :)

We also have "SOLENNFORGC".

Unfortunately, this promo code doesn't have a discount for your ride. We are not yet sure what is the purpose of this promo code but we will inform you guys via this site if we have gathered enough info for this promo code :)

What are you waitinf for?

Grab away!

God bless the Philippines!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

GrabCar Promo Code: "THRILLER"

Good day Grabbers!

Here we are again for another Promo Code!

Again, this will give you 50php off your total fare! Valid until 11:59pm later!

So hurry! Grab away!

God bless the Philippines!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Uber Halloween Carstumes: Perfect Fit For The Season

Just today, UBER Global posted regarding the Halloween Carstumes we are going to see on our applications.

Photo from https://newsroom.uber.com/2015/10/halloween-carstumes/

Some of these "carstumes" are not yet 100% sure to be available in the Philippines but one thing is for sure, the "Twiggy" and the "Ghost Rider" will be available in our application maps!

Meet Twiggy!
Photo from https://newsroom.uber.com/2015/10/halloween-carstumes/

Twiggy will be the one you are going to see most of the time on your maps. Why? Because Twiggy represents UberX cars around the area. So better ready those anti-skeleton amulets of yours!

Meet the Ghost Rider!
Photo from https://newsroom.uber.com/2015/10/halloween-carstumes/

The Ghost Rider will be representing the UberBlack cars! They will also be visible on your maps specially if you are an UberBlack enthusiast! So if you love Casper, this treat is for you!

[UPDATE] These carstumes are available for both UberX and UberBlack but its appearances changes per day. UberX had Twiggy, Boris the Werewolf, and the Terrific Dollar Saver! (The one with the cape)

Sad to say, these only affects the appearance of the Uber cars in the application and not in the real world. This also doesn't provide us promotional discounts and freebies.

But fret not, these cute carstumes are eye-candies to be there for the Halloween!

There are other carstumes only available in other areas around the globe! You can check them out on the link below.

God bless the Philippines!

Source: https://newsroom.uber.com/2015/10/halloween-carstumes/

UBER News: BIR To Impose Tax On Uber and GrabCar Rides

Our source is reliable because it's from Inquirer itself.
Source: http://business.inquirer.net/201444/taxing-uber-bir-mulls-requiring-drivers-to-issue-receipts#ixzz3pmAgpd00

Recently, we heard the news that TNVS rides such as UBER and GrabCar are mandated to issue a physical receipt. Now, this news is a lot bigger!

Bureau of Internal Revenue said that they are expecting the GrabCar/UBER operators to file tax returns. Well this is apart from the issuance of receipts. The drivers will also be considered as employees which will also pay taxes based on their salaries.

Photo from http://cdn.gobankingrates.com/wp-content/uploads/best-auto-loan-rates2.png

Now, what could be worse than this? THE VAT! YES! VALUE ADDED TAX!

Hello hello there riders, each of our rides will now be subjected to VAT which is 12% of the total fare on top of the calculcated fare by the application, Aspe said.

For Uber, Aspe said that they will be asking credit card companies to submit necessary information and data regarding the UBER rides. This will serve as basis for the correct computation of the tax liabilities of the operators, drivers, and UBER itself.

As for GrabCar who is on a cash basis, Aspe said it will be more difficult to track the total salary. BUT we think on this part, they may require GrabTaxi to provide payslips of each operator necessary to compute their taxes.

Now, are you still in to apply as an operator/peer?

God bless the Philippines!

GrabCar Promo Code Of The Day: "HECTIC"

Good day Grabbers!

Another day, and yet another promo code!

The promo code is HECTIC!

Enjoy less 50php on your total fare! Promo code is valid until midnight!
So hurry! Grab away!

God bless the Philippines!

Monday, October 26, 2015


Good news to Uber riders from Muntinlupa!

Uber just shared a new promo code which lets you get a 100php off your ride from 6am to 10am!

Just be sure your ride is from Muntinlupa :)

Promo runs until October 30. So hurry!
Uber on!

God bless the Philippines!


Good day GrabCar enthusiasts!

As what you've all been waiting for, here is another GrabCar promo code!

Not just one, but TWO PROMO CODES! Isn't that awesome?

Enjoy a 50 and 100php off on your total fare using these promo codes.

So what are you waiting for? Grab away!

God bless the Philippines.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

To Uber Riders: Samsung to give out Galaxy Note 5

Are you an Uber rider? Then, YOU ARE QUALIFIED to join this PROMO

Be one of the lucky 5 to win the all new Samsung Galaxy Note5!

We got the below mechanics from SAMSUNG.com/ph/

Five (5) lucky passengers will each win 1 Samsung Galaxy Note5 on their Uber rides.
  a. The winner will be the lucky passenger who is on board the Uber car at the time agreed by Samsung and Uber.
  b. An Uber representative will accompany an Uber driver to make sure that winners are not related that will imply conflict of interest to the Uber driver.
  c. The Uber car will be offline from 3 to 5 pm to proceed to Science Hub Tower 4, McKinley Hill Cyberpark, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City to fetch a Samsung representative and witness the assigned Uber driver and Uber car by a DTI representative.
  d. The Uber car’s plate number and Uber driver’s name will be the reference of the Samsung and DTI representatives.
  e. All five (5) winners will claim their prize at the awarding ceremony together with Samsung, DTI and Uber representatives

The promo will run for 5 days from 12:01 am of October 26, 2015 to 3:00 pm of October 30, 2015. Promo is limited within Metro Manila only.


  a. The promo is open to all new and current Uber users who are 18 years old and above.
  b. New and current Uber users must book a ride at the time of the promotion for a chance to win.

One (1) lucky passenger on the following areas will have the chance to win a Samsung Galaxy Note5:
1 26-Oct Monday Mandaluyong
1 27-Oct Tuesday Manila
1 28-Oct Wednesday Eastwood
1 29-Oct Thursday Makati
1 30-Oct Friday Bonifacio Global City

  a. A DTI representative will be invited to witness the determination of the winners.
  b. Winners will be determined via electronic raffle through a system verified by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
  c. Winner can only win once.
  d. A copy of the list of winners will be printed and provided to DTI.


  a. All five (5) winners will claim their prize at the awarding ceremony together with the Samsung and Uber representatives.
  b. Samsung Electronics Philippines Corporation reserves the right to take photos of the winner and require him/her to submit required documentation before awarding the prize.
  c. Failure to submit any of the required proof and documentation is a ground for disqualification.
  d. Awarding ceremonies will be held at Samsung Electronics Philippines Corporation office at the 9/F Science Hub Tower 4, Mckinley Hill Cyberpark, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. All other incidentals (i.e. transportation expense incurred in claiming the prize, representation expense, etc.) shall be shouldered by the winner.
  e. Should the winner opt for a representative to claim his/her prize, the representative should bring the winner’s authorization letter, the winner’s two (2) valid IDs, the dummy Galaxy Note5 material, the representative’s valid ID with picture and signature, waiver and the notarized affidavit.
  f. Failure to submit any of the required proof and documentation are grounds for disqualification.
  g. Prizes are not transferrable and are not convertible to cash.
  h. Unclaimed prize after 60 days are forfeited in favor of Samsung Electronics Philippines Corporation with prior DTI approval.

All employees of Samsung Electronics Philippines Corporation and uber Philippines, its agencies, partners, and relatives up to the second degree of affinity or consanguinity are disqualified from joining the promo..

NOW WHO WANTS THAT Samsung Galaxy Note 5?
Go out and book an Uber now!

God bless the Philippines!

Promo - http://www.samsung.com/ph/offer/be-one-of-the-lucky-5

GrabCar Promo Code: WEEKEND

I know most of us are excited every time there is a promo code for a GrabCar ride!
Well, here it is!!!

Promo code: WEEKEND
This promo code is available until 11:59 today! This promo will cut off 50php from your total fare.

So what are you waiting for?! Get your mobile phones and start booking now!

God bless the Philippines!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Uber To Accept Cash Payments

The news that Uber will be accepting cash as mode of payment went viral and struck the Uber operators/drivers like a storm!

Photo from http://www.moneygirlphilippines.com/where-can-i-invest-my-money/

This week, Uber drivers/operators received an e-mail message regarding the acceptance of payment for an Uber ride in the mode of cash.

Yes you read it right! C-A-S-H!

We all knew that Uber is a cashless mode of transportation -- not for long! Uber has told their drivers/operators that there would be a cash payment experiment on the weeks to come. Uber will be having this experiment ONLY FOR A FEW riders which may be selected in random, which means not all Uber riders could have the option of cash payment. Whew! Great relief for the drivers/operators who are not yet close to the fact of this new mode of payment.

Video from Uber Manila in YouTube

You might want to watch the video provided by Uber Manila for their operators/drivers. It contains lots of information you might need.

"How about the safety of the ride given that Uber can now accept cash payment and no credit card will be needed?" - NO! You got it wrong!
Uber will only grant the cash payment to the existing riders who have their credit card registered during the experiment which means the identity of the rider will still be valid and identified as real.

We did some brainstorming here in Uber and Grab News PH HQ and made some hypotheses on how Uber will implement this new mode of payment in the near future after the experiment.

Here are some of our hypotheses*:

  • A new rider won't still be allowed to register without a credit/debit card. This is for the confirmation of the real identity of the rider.
  • Cash basis will be offered to all riders, given that they also registered with a credit/debit card. Just think of it as a safety measure. Ask yourselves, where will Uber charge the fare adjustment if the rider only paid by cash? -- from their credit/debit card!
  • Fare adjustment shall be charged from their credit/debit card given that they have already left the ride which is more logical because you don't want the rider leaving your driver with the wrong payment, right? Uber might foresee that coming and has thought of this safe way of charging the rider.

Those are some of our hypotheses. You might want to share your own guess of how it would be in the future, tweet it @UBERandGRABnews !!!

God bless the Philippines!

*hypothesis - a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation. This means that those are just speculations/guess based on the current facts used for the investigation/analysis.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Why Do More Riders Take An Uber Than A Cab At Midnight?

Usually taking a cab going home?

Don't you know that it will cost you less when you take an Uber than take a taxi by midnight --
Not because Uber lowered their rates! But --
It is because there is less traffic!

You may ask us: "Why will the traffic affect my fare? And wouldn't it just be the same if I just take a cab?"

Photo by http://8tracks.com/lizzylizard/night-drive-in-a-city

Well to show you clearly, here is an example:

We usually take a cab from GMA to Monumento and the fare is usually around P160 in the afternoon given that there is a light traffic. By midnight, one of our fellow here takes a cab also from GMA to Monumento and the fare is usually around P150.

Now let's compare it with Uber's price. The following scenarios doesn't contain an Uber Surge pricing (Surge pricing, as discussed in the Uber's site, raises the fare amount by a certain multiplier depending on the scarcity of Uber drivers near you. This is being done to encourage more drivers to accommodate a certain spot in the map which has surge pricing)
 If we use Uber by the afternoon given the same pick-up, destination, time, and traffic, our fare is usually around P160-170. That's a whopping 10php more than taking a cab in the afternoon BUT that 10php is also worth the comfort and safety of your ride.

Now, here comes the catch! We also took an Uber ride by midnight given the same pick-up, destination, time, and traffic, and -- our fare just cost around P135-145. That is a whoppin' 15-25php lower compared to a cab ride!

If you would let us elaborate on why did this sorcery occur, here it goes! UberX, a type of Uber ride, charges its riders with a minimum flat rate of P40. An additional P5.70 per kilometer will be added to your fare as your ride sails. For the whole duration, you will be charged 2php per minute

Disclaimer: We do not mean any harm to any taxi drivers on our post but we are just sharing one of our experiences with Uber! Isn't it cool to save more than spend more?

Next stop: GrabCar experience!

Be sure to check out our next post! :D

Spread the Uber and GrabCar love!

God bless the Philippines!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Why Ride A GrabCar?

Why ride a GrabCar?

  • Get your ride by requesting on their app.
  • The GrabCarDriver will go to your pick-up location; Chauffeur style.

GrabCar drivers will only reject your request when:
  • Your destination is outside Metro Manila (Ask your driver if he will allow outside MM dest.)
  • You have a pet along with you (It depends if your driver allows pet inside his/her car)
  • Your driver won't reach you within 5-10 minutes because of extreme traffic (Carmageddon)
  • The Metro Manila is now a big ocean (Extreme Carmageddon)

  • GrabCar makes sure that every excess payment will be returned to you!
  • If not, kindly contact their customer support hotline at +638837100 or contract their e-mail address "support.mnl@grabtaxi.com"

  • You can now share your ETA via SMS/FB with a live map showing your current location. Your loved ones will now surely be more confident than ever that your ride is going on the right track!

This post is as promised to GrabCar lovers because recently, we posted a promotional poster like this for UBER lovers (See this link).

We both love TNVS! So better download their applications on your phone right now and request a 5-star ride you've never imagined! You can see our header for the download links of their apps.

God bless the Philippines!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Why Ride An Uber?

Why ride an UBER?


  • Get your ride by requesting on their app.
  • The UBER Driver will go to your pick-up location; Chauffeur style.


  • UBER payments are on a cashless basis!
  • UBER charges their customers via their credit/debit card.

UBER drivers will only reject your request when:

  • Your destination is outside Metro Manila (Ask your driver if he will allow outside MM dest.)
  • You have a pet along with you (It depends if your driver allows pet inside his/her car)
  • Your driver won't reach you within 5-10 minutes because of extreme traffic (Carmageddon)


  • All UBER cars are of 2012 models and above.


  • You can share your ETA with a live map to show them how long and where your trip is.

We are not bias to UBER! We both love GrabCar and UBER. Don't worry GrabCar lovers, we will also post an image like this for GrabCar afterwards!

God bless the Philippines!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

GrabCar's New Promo Code: "PROJECTPIE"

Good news to those who are waiting for a GrabCar promo code! Here comes the "PROJECTPIE" promo code!

Well, unfortunately, it is not like the usual promo codes you were using for the previous months. Upon using this promo code, you will receive an e-mail that contains a promo e-voucher which you can present on any Project Pie branch along with the receipt of the GrabCar ride you used your promo code. You can use the e-voucher when purchasing a build-your-own pizza which entitles you to have your second pizza for free! Sweeeet!

Photo from their website: https://www.projectpie.com/menu

To all those who doesn't know Project Pie, it is a restaurant which provides its customers with fresh artisan pizzas. We encourage you to try their build-your-own pizza where you can choose on what toppings from their list you can have on your pizza! We love putting lots of bacon on our custom-made pizza. Who doesn't love bacon, right? You can check out the list of available toppings on their site:

Photo from www.ourawesomeplanet.com - Check their awesome site out!

Got hungry seeing the menu? So what are you waiting for? Book your GrabCar ride right now and use the promo code "PROJECTPIE" and get your e-voucher as soon as you book your ride! Promo runs from October 15, 2015 up to October 31, 2015. The e-voucher is valid two (2) days after the receipt of the e-voucher.

Any insights/comments and suggestions?
Tweet us @uberandgrabnews.
You can also like our Facebook page.
Or drop us an email at uberandgrabbatman@gmail.com

God bless the Philippines!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

GrabCar And UBER Advantages: Why Should You Ride An UBER Or A GrabCar?

Disclaimer: We have nothing against taxis. We just compared these two new modes of transportation with taxis because it's the closest PUV to be compared with the two. We never suggested on this post that you take GrabCar or UBER instead of a Taxi. We are just showing the advantages of taking these two new modes of transportation.

Some may be wondering on what UBER and GrabCar really is? Are they both taxi companies? Expensive rent-a-car service?

UBER Logo from http://www.chuckgallagher.com/

Well, here are some points about UBER and GrabCar.

1.) UBER and GrabCar are also both Public Utility vehicles which serves just like a taxi but not basically a taxi. The two are different from a taxi by means of its looks, cleanliness, and its being safer than a taxi. Why? Let me point out this item:
    • UBER and GrabCar are vehicles which are 2012 model vehicles and beyond; Taxis still have old models being used on the road which sometimes (not all of the time)  are not being well-maintained.
    • UBER and GrabCar are private vehicles. Just take this event as an example: imagine yourself getting off a Toyota Vios 2015 model in front of the party place you're gonna roll in! Isn't that cool? Both also has their premium services which offers SUV and premium cars like Montero, Fortuner, Camry, and etc. How terrific is that? Getting off a Toyota Fortuner in front of th event you're attending.
    • Safer in means of seeing the name of the driver, his picture, his vehicle brand/model, and his plate number which you could share via text or social media the details of your ride. The one who you shared your ride with could track your ride by looking on the map provided by the link which shows your ride's exact location. Unlike taxis, your loved ones could only track you by means of texting you, calling you, or tracking you by your phone's built-in tracking feature or using an application. We never said that riding a Taxi isn't safe at all but we are just pointing that it is more safe riding an UBER/GrabCar because of its feature of tracking the ride of the rider through online/gps.
GrabCar Logo from www.grabcar.com

2.) Tired of hailing a cab late at night, outside your vicinity, or getting rejected because of your out-of-the-way or traffic-prone destination? Worry not! UBER and GrabCar are app-based mode of transportation which can only be hailed via booking a ride on their application on mobile phones. You can search for their applications on Google Play store or App store: Uber and Grab Taxi. See header for links of the download sites. After setting your pick-up and destination on the applicaiton, a driver will be assigned to you as soon as a driver is available near you and accepts your request. After a driver is assigned to you, you can see the driver's and vehicle's info on your screen. This is cool because both UBER and GrabCar will pick you up based on the pick-up location you put on your request.

3.) Is the thought "This could be a lot more expensive than a taxi!" running on your mind? Well, let us answer that!

Photo from newsroom.uber.com

Let us elaborate first the means of payment on UBER:
    • UBER payments are made through Credit Card ONLY as of today. Meaning, your ride will be cashless! Worry no more of payment change that are not given by the drivers! Also, worry not if you do not have money to hail a cab! UBER is your savior! well that's off topic so let me discuss how UBER charge their customers. UBER has a flat rate of 40php (for UberX). Then for every kilometer your ride would be, you will be charged 5.70php per kilometer. Then for the whole duration of the trip regardless on whether your vehicle is in stationary or not, you will be charged 2php per minute. Based on our experience, UBER rides are sometimes more expensive than Taxi rides by 10 to 30php on daylight due to traffic but on night time with less traffic, it may cost same or may be lower than a taxi ride! Sweet, isn't it? But there is sometimes a catch, in the event that your location has no drivers nearby, there is this thing called "Surge" on which this multiplier will multiply your payment depending on the Surge multiplier displayed on your area. So better check your Fare Estimate on their application first before booking!
Photo from technology.inquirer.net

Now let me elaborate GrabCar's means of charging their passengers:
    • GrabCar, on the other hand, offers a fixed fare! Meaning, no other factors like time will affect your fare. Just as easy as that! Pay the fixed fare the Grab app showed your before requesting your booking, then VOILAAA!! GrabCar is more expensive than Uber depending on the time. Their fare depends on the time you book your ride. For example, a 9km ride at 1pm will cost you 245php, a 9km ride at 2pm will cost you 283php, a 9km ride at 1am will cost you 144php. So depending on the time of the day and the distance, the Grab app will give you the computed fare you have to pay by Cash to the driver. So far, Grab Cars only accepts cash as their mode of payment. So better ready those papers and coins!
So far, have we helped you understand the advantages of the two new modes of transpo? Well, we believe we did! It's still up to you on whether to ride a taxi or use these app-based PUVs which are products of innovation.

We think that we have pointed the important points you all must know so far. We will just post another part of this post after brainstorming if we could think of other advantages of these two new transpo modes.

You have some advantages to share? Email or tweet us at @uberandgrabnews.

Thanks everyone and God bless Philippines!

Hoarding Promo Codes For UBER!

We are currently hoarding promo codes for new UBER riders to be posted here on our blog!

Just tweet your Promo Code @uberandgrabnews!

We will be expecting your tweets until tomorrow 11:59pm and will be posting those on Friday!

God bless Philippines!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

[ON THE ROAD] A PUJ Driver In Complete Rage

Here comes another viral news:
A PUJ driver in the viral video executed utter rage to a traffic enforcer in QC Circle. A post from Tofee Militar Ligeralde's Facebook put in caption:

"On or about 1500H today, October 13, 2015. A Traffic Ranger Isabelo Rodavia was assaulted by a PUJ Driver with a Registration Plate Number TWX 106 at QMR-East Avenue. 

Video courtesy by: Jerson Guerrero, a concerned citizen.

Commonwealth cor. Quezon Memorial Rotunda (QC Circle), sinita ni Isabelo Rodavia (Traffic Enforcer) ang driver ng jeep na may plakang TWX106 dahil ito ay nakabara sa kalsada habang nagaabang ng mga pasahero. Tinakbuhan na ng driver ang traffic enforcer pero di na niya ito hinabol. Pag ikot ng traffic enforcer sa QMR-East Ave., Di alam ng traffic enforcer na nasa likod na pala niya ang nasabing jeepney driver, pagbaba ng motor ng traffic enforcer, sinunggaban na sya sa likod at doon na sya ginulpi."

Video by Jerson Guerrero, a concerned citizen

You can see the complete post on his Facebook here:
Toffee Militar Ligeralde's Facebook

On the first part of the video, you can see the PUJ driver repeatedly hitting the traffic enforcer. We aren't sure what is the root cause but we can all conclude that the enforcer is hurt. On the latter part, you can see that the driver hopped in his jeepney and sped up to leave the officer down. Some speculations are already circulating around and their side must be heard to stop fueling the fire anymore.

We just can't fathom on why could the PUJ driver do such thing. Let's wait for media people to look into this and hear the side of the PUJ driver and the Traffic Enforcer before judging. Some of our government agencies should do some investigation and focus on this one because we do not know what happens everyday on the road. This could not be the only incident as same as this which happened that day, others may be worse than this!

On the other hand. LTO must filter ALL Public Utility drivers to lessen this kind of incidents. If implemented, we must comply by this! (Just like the incident which an UBER driver almost hit a passenger using a steel pipe. Goodness gracious)

No one is above the law!

God bless the Philippines!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

LTFRB 24/7 Hotline: Includes SMS/Viber hotlines

Ever experienced something nasty on your taxi, uber, grabcar, jeepney, or bus ride? Well fear not! LTFRB has just changed their old number which-you-can't-even-contact.

Introducing! Taaa-daaaah!

Introducing... their 24/7 hotline! They introduced recently their 24/7 hotline, but that's not all! Their hotline also comes along with their SMS/Viber hotlines!

Cool, right? Let's just hope someone answers our inquiry in the nick of time.

God bless the Philippines!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Are pets allowed inside Uber cars?

Ever wondered if you can ride your pets inside your UBER ride? Well this photo should enlighten you regarding that.

Some of the drivers we have asked said that they are not against pets being on their Uber cars. They said that it's okay as long as the pet won't do anything that will destroy/ruin the interior. Some weere furious on this idea and it's a 101% no-no for them because the smell of pets may circulate on their auto and can affect their next ride.

So before riding an Uber with your pet, kindly contact your booked driver AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and politely ask if he/she can accommodate your request.

God bless the Philippines!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Why choose Uber?

Why choose UBER?

This picture says it all! I've rode an UberX for the first time today. My first ride went smoothly. In the middle of my ride, I felt that the aircondition's temperature is low, so I told the driver if he could make the temperature colder, and so he did. Good job! Comparing it with one taxi ride I've ridden (not talking in general, some taxi drivers are nice!), the driver cold-heartedly told me
"Kung gusto nyo mas malamig, magdagdag kayo. Kung ayaw nyo, lumipat nalang kayo ibababa ko na kayo"

Now WT* is that? I always make sure to lower my temper so I just ignored what he told and just bear with the heat. Good thing Uber is not like that (or maybe I'm just lucky? LOL)

Anyway, kindly look at the picture below and see the reasons why you should choose Uber!
by Carlo Delos Santos, Uber Riders, Friends and Partners in Manila Facebook Group

You can also send us your good/bad experiences on UBER/GrabCar!
We will post it right away (we will not violate the privacy of an individual. Swear!)

God bless the Philippines!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

[ON THE ROAD] PNP Warns Motorists Passing by Quirino/Osmeña

A post from the Philippine National Police on their facebook warns motorists to be extra careful passing by Quirino/Osmeña.

The post can be found here:

by Philippine National Police, Facebook

The warning message is:

English Translation:
"Put down the windows.
Close/Lock the door.
Many snatchers along Quirino/Osmeña"

So for those passing by Quirino/Osmeña, kindly put extreme caution.

God bless the Philippines!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Cars With Below 1.3 Displacement To Be Rejected/Removed From UBER And GrabCar; LTFRB Gives Light!

Heard of those rumors that cars which are below 1.3 displacements will be removed/rejected from UBER and GrabCar (TNVS)?

Worry not! LTFRB_Chairman answered your anxiety:

Credits to the one who asked the question for us.
Let's just keep his identity to avoid personal conflict

Some are still saying that this rule will be applied "SOON."

Well MAYBE the one who replied using the LTFRB_Chairman twitter is not that knowledgeable of what's happening on their agency or MAYBE it's the real deal.

So let's just pray and hope for the best!

God bless the Philippines!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tips on how to rate your UBER or Grab Car Driver: If you are a rider

Do you have any idea on what criteria should we check to come up with a correct and proper rating for the UBER and Grab Car drivers you have booked so far? So far, there is no official critera documented to be used as basis on rating the drivers. In lieu with that, we have come up with some unofficial criterias that you can use!

Photo from: http://www.techiestuffs.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/characteristics-of-a-good-cab-booked-via-mobile-apps-like-uber-etc.jpg

Let's have a 5 star as default value for your rating. Now, for every item in this criteria that doesn't apply in your journey, you can lessen a star.

Disclaimer: This is unofficial. We are just sharing our OWN criteria of rating a certain driver.

  1. Your ride met your sense of comfort; the ride/auto is comfortable.
    • Depends on the situation happening outside. May not be applicable when it's raining, under heavy traffic, calamities, etc.
  2. The driver drives smoothly and doesn't get angry easily on things that he encounters on the road.
  3. The driver attends to your needs/wants
    • Examples: Aircon temperature, sounds, car scent, asks which route should we take if you have a preferred route
  4. The driver used the route you suggested
    • If you suggested one. If not, then try not to complain on this)
  5. The driver doesn't do things that may breach the rules and regulations of LTO, LTFRB, UBER, Government, Department of Justice, Human Rights, etc.
    • Examples: Driver doesn't accept multiple drop-off even if the waiting time is only below 10 minutes, Driver insists on exceeding the speed limit, Driver insists on playing bump car on EDSA because of stress ---- LOL ON THIS
This criteria above is just our own and not an official one but YOU MAY USE IT if you still do not have your own idea on how to rate your driver.

There you have it. Now go, and rate your driver! Oh and by the way, if you give the driver a very low rating, he might lose his job. So rate at your own risk! Unless he deserves it so much just like what happened to the poor rider who was allegedly almost hit by a steel pipe (click link for more info)

Thanks everyone! God bless Philippines!