Tuesday, November 17, 2015

GrabCar Promo Code: "GLOBELONGBREAK"

Good day Grabbers!

Having stressful days on the road due to the APEC season?
Well, here we are again for another promo code!

Use this promo code to avail 50php off your total fare! Hurry while it's still available!
This promo code is good for four uses from Nov 17 until Nov 20.

So what are you waiting for? Grab away!

God bless the Philippines

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

LTFRB: "We Do Not Accredit Vehicles For TNVS"

Good day TNVS enthusiasts!

Isn't it a beautiful day? But why is it still people insist on believing news without a reliable source? It's called "tsismis" if the information is without a reliable source from the authorities.

So, for the Nth time, we verified with LTFRB the acceptance of 3-cylinder autos as of November 11, 2015 and here is their reply:

"Please coordinate with your TNCs on their vehicles requirements & accreditation"

So in short, LTFRB is not the one who rejects the vehicle type being accepted by the TNCs (Transportation Network Company) like GrabCar and Uber.

Please take note that the TNCs are the one who set requirements regarding their vehicle requirements.

Kindly contact the following to confirm if your car has met the requirements of TNCs:
- peers.mnl@grabcar.com
- partners@uber.com

Don't fall for tsismis, it's deadly.

God bless the Philippines!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

GrabCar Promo Code: "WINNER"

Good day Grabbers!

Here we are again for another promo code!

Use this promo code to avail 50php off your total fare! Hurry while it's still available!

So what are you waiting for? Grab away!

God bless the Philippines

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Lost Uber / GrabCar Unit: Mitsubishi Mirage G4 GLX Sedan

Greetings TNVS enthusiasts!

Disclaimer: This might be categorized as "unreturned car" instead of lost. But for now, we are categorizing it as "lost"

We are here again, but this time this is regarding a lost Mitsubishi Mirage G4 GLX with a plate number ASA 7809.

On a Facebook page, a concernced citizen posted regarding a TNVS unit which was not yet returned to its owner by the driver since Tuesday last week (Oct. 27, 2015). The owner has been trying to reach the driver since then but the driver doesn't respond to any calls or text.

The owner reported this to the authorities and they also need our help.

If you spot this auto, you may contact 0916-3165271 (Police Officer Number) .

You may refer to the screenshot below of the photos posted by the concerned citizen regarding the lost/unreturned Mirage.

May God bless the owner of this car and enlighten the mind of the driver to surrender the car immediately because the owner might be experiencing trauma and depression due to overthinking.

We will give you updates when we hear of them.

God bless the Philippines!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Uber Launched Their New Mode Of Payment: Cash Payment

Remember our post last time regarding cash payments in Uber?

Today, Uber launched its experiment on having an additional mode of payment: the cash basis. Now, commuters in the Metro may now use this mode of payment on their Uber rides.

Uber said that the testing for the experimentation of this new mode of payment done in India, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, and Vietnam have been successful. This introduction of the new mode of payment will help them give insights on how to develop for the better.

The cash payment option will only be available to some existing users only. Eventually,this will be available for all riders over the next few weeks.

Let us walk-through you on how to change your mode of payment to cash basis!
One option is to check your email if you have received a mail if the cash payment is now available for you as an option. Another is by changing your default Payment method.

Here are the steps to change your payment method:

1.) Open your Uber app

2.) Go to the upper left portion of the screen and click on the human-link icon

 3.) Click on the Payment option

4.) Now you can see the options for your payment. For us, the "Cash" payment is not yet available because we are not one of the chosen ones. How unlucky :(

For those guys who doesn't have the cash payment option yet, don't fret! It will be available for us soon! I also checked my account but it didn't offer me the new mode of payment. Sad, but acceptable. This is just still an experiment phase for them, so let's give them time to fully implement this innovation.

So what are you waiting for? Check your Uber accounts and start paying by cash!

Uber on and Grab away!

God bless the Philippines!

Monday, November 2, 2015

GrabCar and Uber Incentives : "WALANG FOREVER"

Good day GrabCar and Uber enthusiasts!

We just wanna share a friendly reminder. A halloween message maybe? Because some will be terrified about this.

Note that we just want to share this message because we are all worried on how other Partners and Peers think of Uber and GrabCar. They were having this positive thinking that Uber and GrabCar will sustain their monthly ammortization and the incentives will stay as they are. That's a big NO! Incentives are only promotional and temporary. So before you push in going in this business, think 5 times first and study how the business runs. Do some analysis on how your income would be when there are no promotional incentives and the driver ratio is greater than the riders.

You might have heard this from your GrabCar peer and Uber Partner orientation/seminar, but we want to tell you this all over and over again,


We also posted some citations below in case you might have not heard it on your orientation/seminar because you were so excited and blinded by how BIG the incentives are.

Straight from the GrabCar page:

Screenshot from http://www.grabtaxi.com/manila-philippines/grabcar-peer-faqs/

Straight from the Uber page:

Screenshot from Uber: http://driveonuber.com/faqs/

Screenshot from Uber: http://driveonuber.com/faqs/

So lads and gents, you should think twice before entering a venture you have no knowledge of. Don't be fooled by the large amount to be given at first.

Yes, you might say that both are legal and they do not fool us. But if you push GrabCar and Uber on putting back the old incentives because it goes lower and lower, well think again. They might pull out that incentive and as the saying goes, "NGANGANA TAYONG LAHAT". Let's just be thankful that there are still incentives, because they aren't forever :)

Again, God bless the Philippines!

God speed!

HOT NEWS: LTFRB Responded To Our Question: "Please Elaborate The Word 'DISPLAY'" Regarding On Putting The LTFRB Hotline On Our Units

Good news to all TNVS enthusiasts!

LTFRB gracefully responded to our universal question about putting the LTFRB hotline on our units.

As you can see the tweet below, it's what they said. Yes! LTFRB itself!

Tweet by yours truly, @UBERandGrabPH
So you guys don't have to worry about your personal cars being vandalized by the LTFRB hotlines!
Aside from ref magnets, maybe some of you could use tarpaulins (LOL, just kidding) or maybe a laminated post.

So what are you waiting for? Grab away and Uber on!

God bless the Philippines.